Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Post Office Queue?!

Recently there have been mentions of a new system that could be brought into action in the bars and clubs. This system would involve customers queuing at the bar in single file in order to control the amount of alcohol consumed by each individual. Thats fair enough because it's true that young people these days drink far too much. But think about it this way...if you have a single file queue, only one member of staff is needed to serve at any time during the night. Now that fact worries me because I work in a bar and that means that I could possibly lose my job! There's enough bloody problems at the moment with unemployment due to the recession that it would be stupid to bring in a campaign that just loses more people jobs!
Not only does that make me question this post office style queuing system, but also it would kill business for bars and clubs. Who on earth wants to spend half their night queuing in an orderly line? You might aswell be back at school. It would be impossible to enjoy a relaxed night out with friends when you get treated like you're 10 yrs old again every tim you get a drink. Punters are only going to go to the places which don't have this silly system in place, and the places that do are going to suffer finicially.

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